0.1 to 0.2 ------------- * Core JavaBeans are now Serializable * Fixed up bugs in tests due to data changes in MB service * Amended BeanPopulator.getAlbum(Resource) to include boolean flag indicating whether the tracks should be fetch from the model. This is a simple optimisation to avoid fetching more data than required from model. * Amended BeanPopulator.getTrack(Resource, Resource) to call getAlbum and thereby populate the basic album metadata (but not tracks) * Added com.ldodds.amazon.Amazon class, and Asin property * Added get/setAmazonId to Album, and support in BeanPopulator to fetch the literal asin from the model and populate it * Added CHANGES.txt to keep track of progress * Added RecordCollectionRDFGenerator as a sample command-line application that uses the API. It reads a list of albums from an input file, queries the API (assuming first match is always correct) and then constructs a new RDF document with the retrieved metadata. Needs work though. * Added mm:country, mm:releaseDateList, mm:ReleaseDate to MM * Added ReleaseDate class